你想喝什么? 我要喝菊花茶。 听说菊花茶对眼睛好,是不是? 对,菊花茶不仅对眼睛好,还可以美容养颜呢!
Have you got a part-time job? Yes, I’m working in a convenience store at the weekends. Wow, you must be so busy. Can you still manage to finish all your assignments on time? Yes, it’s quiet sometimes, so I can read when there’s downtime. So, you’re killing two birds with one stone! Yeah, I suppose I’m getting paid to study. Lucky you!
去北京旅游,真不知道吃什么好。 这有什么难的? 不难?你倒是说说。 打车跟司机说,去百年老店的餐馆就行了。
I really want to get a pet. OK. How about a dog? No. I want something easier to look after than a dog. And more unusual. Snakes are unusual. No, I want something cuter than a snake. How about a house rabbit?
大家今天都来我家吃饭吧。 好啊,好啊。你掌勺吗? 当然,好好儿给你们露一手。 你居然会做饭?不会是个二把刀吧。
I can’t stand travelling in economy class. Shall we splurge and travel in business class? I think the tickets are at least 3 times more expensive. I know it’s extravagant, but this is a special occasion. Couldn’t we just use our air miles to upgrade? I’ll look into it.
你脸色怎么这么难看?生病了吗? 我这几天便秘,所以浑身不轻快。 你多吃点蔬菜,能促进肠蠕动。 我一般不吃蔬菜,看来非吃不可了。
Excuse me. Do you have any smaller ones? Sorry, those are the smallest ones that we have in stock. Do you have other sizes online? No, we only sell this product offline. It’s a special offer. OK. I see. Thank you.
你平常怎么上班啊? 看情况,我一般都开车去。 开车?你不怕堵车? 没关系,我走市内高架桥,通行非常方便。