Let’s buy some bread. I love bread but I have just started a gluten-free diet, so I should avoid wheat. OK, we can get some gluten-free bread. What’s that made from? It’s made with other types of flour such as rice flour, almond flour, and buckwheat flour. Alright, I’ll give it a go.
现在高科技发展太快了。 是啊,有时感觉跟不上时代的潮流。 提升自身能力, 真是不可忽视。 自我充电从现在做起。
So, you want to get a cat? Yes. I think a cat would be good company and pretty easy to look after. So, are you going to feed him every day and clean up after him? Maybe we could take turns feeding him. And who is going to clean the litter tray? I don’t know. I didn’t think about that.
听说中国人经常打麻将,是这样吗? 确实是的。过节或者放假的时候,就跟亲戚朋友一起打麻将。 好玩儿吗? 当然好玩儿,你哪天有空到我家来,咱们一起打麻将吧。
What’s the currency in Thailand? I think it’s the baht. How many Baht can I get for a US dollar? I’ll have to check. Is it better to change money at the bank or wait till I get to the airport? To be honest, I’m not sure where we will get the best exchange rate.
路边的公用电话几乎都没有人使用了。 当今,大家都是用手机。 是啊,手机又能看电影,又能照相。 多功能一体化就是方便。
What do you think about this top? I don’t like the color. And the material feels low quality. Really? It is quite expensive. Shall I take it back? Yes. I think you should.
我最近迷上了唱歌,简直一发不可收拾。 练歌房很贵啊,你一般去哪儿唱歌? 最近我家附近开了一家投币练歌房,经济实惠。 哇,还有这样的练歌房,等我哪天也去瞧瞧。
I want to do something creative and artistic. OK. How about coming with me to my calligraphy class? Calligraphy? That’s something different! Yes. It’s creative and therapeutic. And I can learn to write beautifully too! Exactly.