What’s the currency in Thailand? I think it’s the baht. How many Baht can I get for a US dollar? I’ll have to check. Is it better to change money at the bank or wait till I get to the airport? To be honest, I’m not sure where we will get the best exchange rate.
路边的公用电话几乎都没有人使用了。 当今,大家都是用手机。 是啊,手机又能看电影,又能照相。 多功能一体化就是方便。
What do you think about this top? I don’t like the color. And the material feels low quality. Really? It is quite expensive. Shall I take it back? Yes. I think you should.
我最近迷上了唱歌,简直一发不可收拾。 练歌房很贵啊,你一般去哪儿唱歌? 最近我家附近开了一家投币练歌房,经济实惠。 哇,还有这样的练歌房,等我哪天也去瞧瞧。
I want to do something creative and artistic. OK. How about coming with me to my calligraphy class? Calligraphy? That’s something different! Yes. It’s creative and therapeutic. And I can learn to write beautifully too! Exactly.
明天是我好朋友的生日。 打算送她什么礼物? 还没想好。 我觉得送植物挺好的。
I just had my performance review. How did it go? Not bad. My boss says I have good communication skills. That's great. And that I am a reliable member of the team. I totally agree!
我是独生子女,你呢? 我也是。 我们这年代几乎都是。 真羡慕有兄弟姐妹的人。
Where are you? I’m in the Emergency Room. Are you alright? Yes. But I fell over in the office and banged my head. What did the doctor say? I’m still waiting for the treatment. There's a long line of people in front of me.