Do you need a bag? No thanks, I brought my own bag. Will you be paying by cash or card? By card. Do you have a store loyalty card? Yes, but I didn’t bring it with me today. Well, keep the receipt. You can get your points next time.
真倒霉,我的自行车丢了。 我记得你上了密码锁,咱们再找找。 不用了,我找过好几遍,肯定被偷了。 附近有摄像头,可以查录像。
Wow. You have a lot of stuff! I know. I collect jazz records. How many do you have? Over 1,000! Where do you find them all? Well, I spend my free time searching second-hand record shops. Classic LP records can be worth a lot of money.
最近食欲不振,吃什么都没有胃口。 是不是脾胃出现了问题? 我得去找中医看看。 喝点儿中药,调理调理身体吧。
I’m trying a new diet. Is it for health or to lose weight? Both. What can you eat on this diet? A lot of protein and vegetables, but no carbohydrates. So, you can’t eat rice or bread or pasta? No. It’s quite tough!
周末我们去打保龄球吧。 不去,我对那个不感兴趣。我要在家看书。 你是书呆子嘛!天天看书的。 人各有志!
Let’s make our class rules. Are there any ideas? We must listen to the teacher! Yes, that’s important! Any more? We must respect each other. Great. Let’s write that down.
每到换季的时候就容易感冒。 是啊,我一般是被传染的。 那你最好戴上口罩。 好主意,可戴口罩会有点儿闷。
前天接了个电话,说是我多年未见的朋友。 那样的电话可要小心! 是啊,聊着聊着就向我借钱。 那个肯定是电话诈骗。