Excuse me, could you tell me where the photocopiers are, please? Sure, they are just over there. Sorry to bother you again! Is everything OK? Well, the photocopier doesn’t seem to be working. Ah, it must be out of paper. Where is the paper kept? In the storeroom, let me show you.
你这么早就下班了? 我请了半天假,回家收拾旅行的行李。 别忘了带旅游神器,充电宝和自拍杆。 谢了,多亏你提醒我,要不然我都忘了。
Would you like a tour of the office? Yes, please. So, this is the kitchen and break room area. Is it OK to come here any time? Yes, some employees bring a packed lunch. Great. And where's the restroom? It’s right there.
你们公司上个月来新职员了? 是啊,刚大学毕业。 他怎么样? 不但年轻,工作能力也很出色。
Is it your first day today? Yes, I’m having my orientation this week. Welcome to the company. Have you worked here long? I’ve been here for three years. So perhaps you can show me the ropes? Sure, feel free to ask anytime if you have any questions.
明天我要去免税店买个包儿。 你要出国吗? 我去上海玩儿一周。 你可以上网预订免税店的东西,出境当天取货。
Would you like to join us for lunch? Thank you, but I brought a packed lunch. OK, well, maybe next week? We go out every Friday for lunch. Yes, I’ll come along next week. Thank you for letting me know.
我的手机坏了。 出现什么故障了? 一直停留在开机页面。 可能要重新刷机了。
This is an urgent report. I can finish it by the end of the week. Actually, the CEO wants it by tomorrow. Oh! I’ll have to work overtime. Just make sure there are no mistakes. I’ll do my best.