I’m thinking of going freelance. Are you sure that’s a good idea? Well, I want to have more freedom. But then you will miss out on lots of company benefits. I’d rather be my own boss. You won’t get paid vacations. Well, I’ll have less money but more time. I guess you have to decide what’s more important.
招聘时,公司对员工的语言能力要求很高。 是的,因为现在是全球贸易时代。 我们也需要更加努力。 没错, 所以我也在学习汉语。
What are the advantages of working full-time for a company? Well, a regular paycheck? And companies contribute to the employee’s pension and health insurance. But we have to work such long hours. Are there any other perks? Yes, we get a free gym membership.
一眼望去,大家都在看手机。 是啊,都是“低头族”。 手机给我们带来了方便,同样也有弊端。 是啊,颈椎不好的人越来越多。
I’m not satisfied with my job anymore. Is the workload too much? No, but I feel the company just takes me for granted. In what way? I work hard but I never get any praise or even a thank you. Perhaps you should speak to your line manager about it. Do you think that will help? It’s worth a try.
下班之后一起打台球吧!我们要打比赛的。 不行,我今晚有饭局。不能和你们一起玩儿了! 太可惜了,大家都去,就差你了。 下次一定和你们去,谁输了谁请客。
이 글의 내용은 보호되어 있습니다
What did you learn at school today? We learned about vegetarianism. So, what’s the difference between a vegetarian diet and a vegan diet? A vegan diet is stricter than a vegetarian diet. Do vegans eat eggs? No, vegans don’t eat any animal products at all.
今年的夏天比往年热。 是啊,听说北极冰川已经加速融化了。 全球气候变暖的危机越来越近。 是啊,爱护地球人人有责。