I need insurance on my new car. Just a minute, please. Do you have insurance with us? No, I haven't taken out insurance yet. What's your job? I'm an instructor. How many vehicles do you have? I have only one car.
It's been a pretty tight game so far. Yes, neither side has looked like scoring a goal so far. Except for that one time when our striker was almost through but was fouled by the fullback. But the referee didn't see it! Yes, it gets up my nose at times like this.
最近气候比较寒冷,一定要多穿衣服。 是啊,我身边感冒的人很多。 多喝一点生姜茶有助于预防感冒。 好的,你也多多注意。
Did you receive my purchase order? Yes. I checked the e-mail just now. Please confirm my order of 400 pairs of jeans and sign the contract by return. Before we sign the contract, I need to reconfirm a few things. Sure, please go ahead. The goods should be shipped to Seoul by air, the payment will be by check and no barcode is required. That's right. We will make the payment as soon a..
医生,我最近总担心,容易被惊吓到,所以很难受。 这属于心悸症状,你别熬夜,别喝咖啡, 需要好好儿休息。 但是我几乎每天都熬夜,不得不喝咖啡。 身体重要还是工作重要,你得好好儿想想!
Don't forget to set your alarm clock tonight. You've been telling me this more than thousands times for the last two days. Anyway, thanks for keeping me on track. I know you are a late riser and tomorrow is a very crucial day.
小红热情地让我受不了。 她的优点就是热情。 可优点也是缺点。 是啊,事情都是两面性。
Do you know what animal that is? Well, I don't know either of these animals, but let's check out the sign. Endangered Squirrel Monkey means they are at risk of extinction, right? Yes, that's sad. Do you think I can touch them? No, the sign says Do not touch the animals.