现在培养个孩子可真不容易。 你才知道?我早就有体会了。 最近我家孩子学钢琴,我都不知道弹得对错。 现在有网络陪练,又便宜又方便。
이 글의 내용은 보호되어 있습니다
I had a few too many last night. I think we all did. I was going to drive home but I was well over the limit. Oh no. You don’t want to drink and drive. No. So I left my car in the restaurant car park. I’ll have to go and pick it up after work!
我今天简直太倒霉了。 怎么了,给你气成这样? 我今天上卫生间的时候,不小心把手机掉进了马桶。 你这次有了教训,下次上卫生间绝对不会带手机了。
Do you want to join our five-a-side football team? We are recruiting more players. Well, I’m not very good at football. Is it just for fun? Actually, we take it quite seriously because we play against other company teams. Ah. In that case, I’m not sure if I’m good enough. Why don’t you come along and see? We practice every Saturday morning.
听说大排档在中国很火! 对,小吃的种类很多。不仅便宜而且好吃。 我现在都快要流口水了。 等有机会,我请你吃。