教室里太吵了! 是啊,班长也不好好儿管管。 班长让他们安静了,可是没有效果。 也是,还是各说各的。
Who are you talking to? The superintendent of my apartment… Actually, I'm on hold. Is there a problem? No. My nephews and nieces are visiting me and I'm just asking when the swimming pool will be available. How long is their stay? They'll be here for about two weeks.
我的衣服和鞋都湿透了,怎么办? 马上到家了,坚持一下。 到了家你打算做什么? 这样的雨天适合躺在床上看恐怖片。
What happened? You've got a smile a mile wide! I got a full scholarship! Congratulations! What did you have to do to get a scholarship? I just had to maintain a high GPA and had to do a lot of extracurricular activities.
你知道刺猬法则吗? 第一次听说,什么意思? 冬天两个刺猬在一起取暖,靠得太近会受伤,太远会寒冷。 啊,这是要保持适当的距离的意思啊,原来你是指人际关系。
There are a lot of new movies out. I'll take a look at the posters. Alright. I'll stay in line while you go take a look. I think 'Beautiful Day' looks like a good movie. I'll take your word for it.
我要去银行办业务。 我正好也要去银行转账,一起去吧。 你可以用手机转账啊。 我没开通这个业务,所以很麻烦。
It's a pity that you can't play golf with us this Sunday. What are you talking about? Now I can! I thought you had to go shopping with Nina. I did but now I don't. Nina fell over and she should stay home all day Sunday. So you're off the hook. Yes. I can get involved in some golf.
这就是中国的月饼?真好吃。 月饼还有很多种口味的,馅儿也不一样。 等我去中国,一定都要尝一尝。 那你可能要花很多钱了。