小李,你去机场接一下客户吧。 客户坐哪一班航班来? CI 634号航班。 好的,我会按时去的。
Do you think this email looks suspicious? It’s from the bank asking me to update my personal details. Banks don’t send emails like that. So should I click the link? No, If you click the link, the malware will hack the system. You have to block that message.
现在不喜欢社交活动的人越来越多了。 也许他们更喜欢独自活动吧。 是啊, 不过我觉得一个人会寂寞的。 习惯就好了。
I’m so frustrated. Why? What’s up? I just tried to take some money out of the ATM. Was there a problem? Well, I forgot my pin number. And the machine ate my card! Did you go into the bank and tell them? No, it was already closed.
你不是说很饿吗?怎么吃那么少就停筷子了? 吃两口解解馋就行了,我在减肥呢。 不吃饱怎么能有力气减肥? 你别再说了,再说我又要减肥失败了。
I’m nervous about going back to work. Well, things have changed a lot since Covid. I can’t keep up with all the new technology. Don’t worry about it. You can sign up for some training or refresher courses. I’m just not familiar with all the new online platforms. You’ll get used to them.
我昨天把我邻居给举报了。 为什么? 他们一到晚上就打麻将,影响我的家人休息。 遇到这样的邻居真是为难,还好我的邻居比较安静。
Can I sit here? Sure. You can sit anywhere. We have a hot-desking system. So, no one has their own designated desk? That’s right! What if I want to sit in a particular spot? Then you had better arrive early! Good, I’m an early bird.
最近我迷上了这部网络小说。 告诉你个秘密,我是这部小说的作者。 原来是你?可这作者的名字… 那是我的笔名。你看这是我的草稿。