That was really great. You have to give me the recipe. The recipe was handed down from my great-grandmother. You're really a great cook and also second to none. Thanks. Would you like some dessert? Count me in. I love it.
我男朋友昨天送了我99朵玫瑰花。 哇, 99朵的花语是长长久久的意思。 真是个好寓意。 你男朋友好浪漫啊!
When I was a child, there was no such thing as social media. How did you connect with other people? We just met up in person! Did you text them as well? No, we didn’t have cell phones either. Sounds like a nightmare! It wasn’t all bad.
你这个包儿没看过,新买的? 对,是新款,昨天刚买的。 你又有闲钱了? 嗯,领工资攒了点儿钱买下的。
Who’s that? He's the new IT guy. He looks stressed out. Well, all the computers in the office are down. Wow, he must be so busy. And it’s his first day. Oh, that’s unlucky! Yeah, I feel bad for him.
哎呀,我的电脑怎么黑屏了? 电脑是不是死机了? 这可怎么办才好? 我的材料…… 没办法,重启看看。
I get hundreds of emails a day. Are they all work-related? Most are, but I subscribe to a lot of newsletters as well. It’s so time-consuming going through emails. I know. I need to unsubscribe to some of the newsletters. I don’t have time to read them anyway.
听说我们公司的股价涨了! 太好了!涨幅多少? 这我不太清楚, 听说涨了很多。 好消息!我去打听一下。
I get so much spam in my inbox. Tell me about it! I’m worried about getting hacked as well. Well, if it looks like spam, I don’t even click on it. Me neither. I just delete it. It’s so annoying. How can we get rid of it?