我最近喜欢看一个综艺节目。 这综艺是什么内容? 是明星自己一个人生活的故事。 听起来很有意思,我今天回家也看一看。
Have you found another job yet? No, I’m still looking around for something suitable. Where are you looking? Well, I’m keeping my eye on several employment websites. You should network because the best jobs are often through word-of-mouth. I’ll bear that in mind. And don’t forget to prepare an elevator pitch to introduce yourself.
老李,听说公司附近开了一家新自助餐,你去过吗? 我昨天去了,真是物美价廉啊。 今天正好有约会不知道去哪里吃,那我就订在那里了。 嗯,你会喜欢的。
Dad, can you help me with my resume? Sure, I’ll take a look at it. I also need to write a cover letter. Just make sure you tailor it for the job you are applying for. Actually, I wrote a general cover letter that includes everything. Well, then edit it and make sure it’s not too generic.
这里的热带水果就是好吃。 那你就买一些带回去吧。 不行,国际航空不能托运水果。 那你还是在这儿吃个够吧。
What do you want to do when you leave school? I want to go into teaching. That’s a stable and respectable profession. Do you want to work in primary or secondary? I think I prefer older students. I’m just not sure which subject I want to teach.
城市里的噪音问题越来越严重。 是啊,噪音给我们带来很大的影响。 这附近安静吗? 这附近热闹而不吵,很好。
Shall we try a mock interview? That would be really helpful, thank you. OK, so you are applying for a job in the HR department, right? Yes, the job title is HR coordinator. OK, so you need to be able to work in a team in Human Resources . Yes, I suppose so. So, can you tell me about a time you demonstrated good people skills?
现在是上班高峰期,你出门了吗? 没有,我还没准备好呢。 快行动啊,我在2号线快挤破头了。 好的,我这就出门。