How’s the job hunting going? Badly. I just got another rejection letter. Well, don’t take it personally. I know they have lots of applicants, but it’s still disappointing. Well, keep your chin up. Do you think I should ask the company for some feedback? Yes, it could be helpful to know what they were looking for.
感冒那么严重,去医院了吗? 一直在医院治疗,就是不见好。 看来是流感。 也许过了这阵子就好了。
What do you see as your biggest strength? I think I am a hard worker. Can you tell me how you are a hard worker? Well, I am always the first to arrive in the morning. And I’m the last to leave the office in the evening. Well, we believe in working smarter, not harder. OK. Maybe I need to work on my time management skills.
这西瓜看起来好吃,不知道甜不甜。 买一个回去切切看吧。 买大的,还是小的? 买小的吧,大的西瓜我们吃不完。
What does your mum do? She’s a paediatrician. What’s a paediatrician? A paediatrician is a doctor who specializes in helping children. Where does she work? She works in a local children’s hospital.
妈妈,我的新室友是中国人,但是他会说韩语。 你的新室友是中国哪里的人? 他是哈尔滨人,以后我也能好好学习韩语了。 那你可得好好儿和朋友相处,不要打架。
What are your strengths? I have good communication skills. Can you give me an example? Yes, I was voted the class leader at school. So, what did you have to do? I had to talk about class issues with the teacher and my classmates. That sounds challenging.
谁修了这里的椅子? 是我修的,有什么问题吗? 哇,好厉害啊。修得就跟新的椅子一样。 哈哈,对我来说是小事一桩。
What is a personality trait that you are trying to improve? Sometimes I can’t say no to coworkers. So, you struggle to be assertive? Yes, I think I’m a people pleaser. How are you working on overcoming this problem? Well, I’m trying to politely decline when I can’t take on more work! It’s important for my work-life balance.