What are you doing? Waiting for 10:00 a.m. What’s happening at 10:00 a.m? The tickets come on sale for the concert. Good luck. Thanks. Last time they sold out in 30 seconds.
听说你最近在学汉语? 是啊,想去中国留学。 决定了?那怎么还没去中国呢? 等学好汉语再去留学也不迟。
Finished already? We had to finish early! Why? Because It's technical issues. Was it the internet connection? Yeah, the screen kept freezing. So, the boss said let’s call it a day.
你怎么又迟到了? 实在是抱歉! 你每次都迟到,是不是都成习惯了? 我保证下次再也不迟到了!
I can’t hear you. Sorry, I was muted. What’s that noise in the background? They are doing some construction work outside. It’s hard to hear you. OK, I’ll call you later.
最近出了一款手游特别火,你知道吗? 不知道,什么游戏? 关于养成类的游戏,我们也一起玩吧。 你也知道我对游戏不是很感兴趣,你还是自己玩吧。
Is that a smartwatch? Yes. I just bought it. They are amazing, aren’t they? Actually, I don’t know how to use it yet! Oh! Do you want me to help you? That would be great!
你认为这个世上谁算是英雄? 在我看来,英雄是为国家牺牲的烈士。 没错,他们在前线英勇地和敌人战斗,甚至为了国家牺牲。 所以我很佩服他们,我们应该铭记他们的荣耀。
How are you finding the fitness tracker? I love it. I can’t live without it now. What do you use it for? Mainly for counting my daily steps. Have you set some fitness goals? Yes. And it’s so easy to monitor my progress. It even warns me when I have been sitting down too long.