那家店的面包特别好吃,就是有点儿贵。 我有那家的会员卡,可以打折。 那太好了,借给我吧。 一起吧,正好我也要买面包。
What did you do last night? I was babysitting my niece and nephew. Did they behave themselves? Good as gold! That’s great. They were just glued to their smartphones all evening.
看你愁眉苦脸的,有什么心事儿? 都是因为新来的同事。 你们怎么了? 我和他性格合不来。
How was the date? To be honest, not great. We had some awkward silences. Yeah, it’s hard to make conversation on a first date. Texting is easier! Right! So, are you meeting up again? Not sure.
周末过得怎么样? 周六我和家人一起去爬山了。 你应该很累吧。 是啊,所以周日我一直躺在床上休息了。
I just can’t get my head around coding. Honestly, it’s not as hard as you think. As soon as I learn something, I forget it. You just need practice. I’m going to quit. No, don’t give up.
现在找工作太难了。 没错,我也一直在找工作。 经济危机之后,各国就业环境都不太好。 是这样,不知什么时候能好转。
有什么好事儿,笑得这么灿烂? 下周末,我喜欢的歌手张阳要开见面会了。 怪不得,我就觉得你是他的粉丝。 当然了!
I watched a sci-fi film last night. What's it about? Robots taking over the world. That’s not sci-fi anymore. I know. It’s already happening. Pretty scary.