韩国的秋天就像一幅画一样,十分漂亮。 对啊,尤其是枫叶,真是美极了。 今年秋天,我们一起去赏枫叶吧? 可以,一边开车兜风,一边赏枫叶。
What did you buy? I bought a cover for my webcam. Are you worried about privacy? Yeah. Am I being paranoid? No. Webcams and mics are easy to hack. Better safe than sorry.
汉语这门语言太难学了,有没有什么诀窍? 你可以尝试去背一些对话。 有效吗? 比学语法有效。
Don’t forget to get to the client’s office early. Right, you said it takes time to get through their security? You’ll have to put your bag through the baggage scanner. Like at the airport? Yes. And you can't take a laptop into the building. OK. Will I need a pass to get in? Yes, they will issue that at the reception desk.
怎么了? 有什么不愉快的事儿吗? 有些伤心事儿,有点儿难过。 靠在我的肩膀吧。 谢谢你安慰我。
Can I borrow a phone charger? Does your phone support wireless charging? No, I think it’s too old. Oh. My charger is not compatible. Let me see if someone has a charger. Sorry to trouble you!
最近翻看相册勾起很多回忆。 是啊,有时回忆回忆过去挺好的。 真是,我们的时间都去哪儿了。 所以更要珍惜每一天。
I’ve nearly finished my thesis. Great. Make sure you credit all your sources. Right. I don’t want to get in trouble for plagiarism! Have you asked someone to proofread your work? No. I’m just using an online app for checking grammar. I think you should get someone to look over it too.
学期快结束了,打算干什么? 我一放假就回家乡,火车票都买好了。 家里有事吗? 不,我只是太想家了!