这里的热带水果就是好吃。 那你就买一些带回去吧。 不行,国际航空不能托运水果。 那你还是在这儿吃个够吧。
What do you want to do when you leave school? I want to go into teaching. That’s a stable and respectable profession. Do you want to work in primary or secondary? I think I prefer older students. I’m just not sure which subject I want to teach.
城市里的噪音问题越来越严重。 是啊,噪音给我们带来很大的影响。 这附近安静吗? 这附近热闹而不吵,很好。
Shall we try a mock interview? That would be really helpful, thank you. OK, so you are applying for a job in the HR department, right? Yes, the job title is HR coordinator. OK, so you need to be able to work in a team in Human Resources . Yes, I suppose so. So, can you tell me about a time you demonstrated good people skills?
现在是上班高峰期,你出门了吗? 没有,我还没准备好呢。 快行动啊,我在2号线快挤破头了。 好的,我这就出门。
How’s the job hunting going? Badly. I just got another rejection letter. Well, don’t take it personally. I know they have lots of applicants, but it’s still disappointing. Well, keep your chin up. Do you think I should ask the company for some feedback? Yes, it could be helpful to know what they were looking for.
感冒那么严重,去医院了吗? 一直在医院治疗,就是不见好。 看来是流感。 也许过了这阵子就好了。
TimeSubtitleTranslation2:00That's right. It is I, Tai Lung.그래, 바로 나다, 타이렁2:04It can't be.말도 안 돼2:06[miner] Tai Lung.타이렁?2:08I have returned to take what is mine.내 걸 되찾으러 왔다2:10Which is everything that is yours.다시 말해서 너희의 모든 걸 뺏으러 왔다고!2:22Let it be known from the highest mountain to the lowest valley that Tai Lung lives,온 천하 방방곡곡에 알려라 타이렁이 살아 있다고2:27and no one will stand in his way.누구도 그의 길을 막을 순..
What do you see as your biggest strength? I think I am a hard worker. Can you tell me how you are a hard worker? Well, I am always the first to arrive in the morning. And I’m the last to leave the office in the evening. Well, we believe in working smarter, not harder. OK. Maybe I need to work on my time management skills.