这西瓜看起来好吃,不知道甜不甜。 买一个回去切切看吧。 买大的,还是小的? 买小的吧,大的西瓜我们吃不完。
What does your mum do? She’s a paediatrician. What’s a paediatrician? A paediatrician is a doctor who specializes in helping children. Where does she work? She works in a local children’s hospital.
妈妈,我的新室友是中国人,但是他会说韩语。 你的新室友是中国哪里的人? 他是哈尔滨人,以后我也能好好学习韩语了。 那你可得好好儿和朋友相处,不要打架。
What are your strengths? I have good communication skills. Can you give me an example? Yes, I was voted the class leader at school. So, what did you have to do? I had to talk about class issues with the teacher and my classmates. That sounds challenging.
谁修了这里的椅子? 是我修的,有什么问题吗? 哇,好厉害啊。修得就跟新的椅子一样。 哈哈,对我来说是小事一桩。
What is a personality trait that you are trying to improve? Sometimes I can’t say no to coworkers. So, you struggle to be assertive? Yes, I think I’m a people pleaser. How are you working on overcoming this problem? Well, I’m trying to politely decline when I can’t take on more work! It’s important for my work-life balance.
清朝宅邸建筑恭王府有很多蝙蝠的纹样! 听说有一万只。 哇,有那么多吗! 下次我们一起去看看吧。
What are your weaknesses? First of all, I pay too much attention to details. Is that a weakness? Yes, because then I can’t see the wood for the trees. And how does this affect your work performance? I sometimes struggle to meet deadlines. But I am trying to look at the big picture and work on my time management skills.
哥们儿,晚上陪我出去走走。 看你心情不怎么样啊。 别提了,和女朋友分手了。 原来是这样啊,你也别太伤心了。