你这胳膊怎么这么多抓痕? 最近领养了一只小野猫。 野猫?可一定要打针啊。 已经打过了,别担心。
40:39So nice of you to volunteer to show me the chapel, Master Lovat.교회를 보여주신다니 정말 고마워요40:43I believe it was yer idea.당신의 제안이긴 했지만요40:46It's so peaceful here.여긴 정말 평화롭네요40:47Do you plan to do much when you become laird?지주가 되면 어떻게 하실지 생각해 두셨나요?40:50I've no' given it much thought.많이 생각하지는 않았어요40:53My father's still a vigorous man.아버지는 아직도 힘이 넘치시거든요40:56Some have speculated he's immortal.아버지가 불사신이라..
You look stressed! The boss wants this report finished by tomorrow. Do you think you can finish in time? Yes, but there might be some mistakes. Do you want me to proofread it for you? Yes, could you help me check if there are no typos?
我们去KTV唱歌吧! 我可不会,我是音痴。 我唱得也不太好,去吧。 好吧,到时候不要被吓一跳。
I’ve just made a huge mistake! What have you done? I sent a confidential email to everyone in my contacts list. Can you unsend it? I think it’s too late. There must be a way to undo it.
最近见你一面怎么这么难? 我最近忙着写作,我马上就要出一本书了。 你怎么突然开始写作了? 我以前就开始写,只是还没出过书,等出版了, 你帮我宣传宣传。
Our head of department is retiring. So that means there will be a job opening. Yes, I heard there are several candidates for the position. Are you interested in getting promoted? No, I don’t want all the extra stress and responsibility. Me neither. I’m happy as I am.
今天准时下班,没有加班。 太好了,我们喝酒去? 不行,我得回家。 你真是好老公,一下班就回家。
It’s my first payday today! Congratulations! Let’s celebrate. OK! I’ll treat you to dinner. Brilliant! Can I choose the restaurant? OK, but remember I’m only on an entry-level salary! I’ll choose somewhere that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg!